Cuvée des Jacobins Rogue (Flanders Red Ale) by Omer Vander Ghinste
@omervanderghinstebrewery Cuvée des Jacobins Rogue Flanders Red Ale 5.5%
Brewer: Omer Vander Ghinste Brewery
Omer Vander Ghinste Cuvée des Jacobins Rogue (Flanders Red Ale) Review
Another beer of the day coming straight at you. This is Cuvée des Jacobins Rogue, a Flanders Red Ale from Belgium. Poured from an 11.2oz bottle (bottled 13Jan15) into a Rona snifter. Pours with a half finger’s worth of off-white foam that dissipates to a quarter’s worth within 30 seconds. The darkest and rubiest of reds in color. Has strong sour apple and yeast aromas that blend really well with mild cherry sweetness and smoke aromas and a hint of oak. Initial taste is of strong green apple flavors that combine with mild cherry flavors. Strong, sour yeast flavors along with subtle smokey and oak flavors enter immediately after as initial flavors persist. The symphony doesn’t end there as flavors reverse in exiting order with yeast, oak, and smokey flavors ending first and apple and cherry flavors remaining well into after taste. Medium bodied, mild carbonation and dryness with a crisp finish. This was one heck of a Flanders red ale. I say another!
OVERALL SCORE: 4.45 out of 5.
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