“Pêche” (Lambic) by Lindemans Brewery
Name: Pêche Brewery: Lindemans Brewery, Belgium Style: Lambic – fruit Alcohol: 2.5%
Brewer: Lindemans Brewery
Lindemans Brewery “Pêche” Review
Good Monday morning everybody! I hope everyone had a great weekend. It’s that time again to take a look at a different beer:
Name: Pêche
Brewery: Lindemans Brewery, Belgium
Style: Lambic – fruit
Alcohol: 2.5%
Poured from a 335ml bottle (bottled 21Nov14) into a sniffer.
LOOK: Pours with a half finger’s worth of foam that halves its size within 30 seconds. Has an extremely murky orange color. Bubbles are so scarce that I can almost count them as they rise. Lacing is minimum.
SMELL: Has strong aromas of sweet peaches that combine with mild apple juice aromas and a hint of sweet barley, funky yeast, and wheat.
TASTE: Initial taste is extremely sweet with strong peach and apple juice flavors (love it!). Mild funky yeast flavors enter immediately after. To finish off this symphony of sweet and funk, a touch of wheat, barley, and sour yeast enter as all previous flavors continue to press on.
FEEL: Light-bodied and somewhat smooth, yet clings to back of the throat. Has subtle carbonation with a dry, slightly tart finish.
NOTE: I recommend this to any hard cider lover or moscato fan.
OVERALL RATING: 4 out of 5.