“Undead Party Crasher” (Double Stout) by Clown Shoes Beer
@clownshoesbeer Undead Party Crasher Double Stout 10%
Brewer: Clown Shoes Beer
Clown Shoes Beer “Undead Party Crasher” Review
Got this baby from Total Wine & More. From Clown Shoes brewery in Massachusetts, comes “Undead Party Crasher,” an American Double Stout with 10% alcohol. Here’s what I thought: Poured from a 22oz bottle (bottled 07Nov14) into a Spiegelau stout glass. Pours with a finger’s worth of brown foam that dissipates to half a finger’s worth within 30 seconds. Bubbles are mild and lacing is moderate. Black in color with a brownish red tint. Has strong milk chocolate aromas, mild coffee and alcohol aromas, and a hint of wood (hickory). Initial taste is of strong milk chocolate flavors that combine exquisitely with mild coffee flavors. Subtle alcohol and hickory flavors gradually enter the palate after the initial taste as chocolate flavors gradually fade and coffee flavors grow stronger. Medium-bodied, incredibly smooth with barely any carbonation (almost seems like a nitro beer), with a dry finish. An amazing imperial stout. I love the fact that even though it was 10% alcohol, Clown Shoes was able to hide it pretty well (because I would rather not have alcohol flavors in my beer). NOTE: Be warned when drinking from a Spiegelau stout glass. All the alcohol sinks to the bottom and that last sip is dreadful unless you enjoy pure alcohol. Could possibly be why the alcohol flavors were so hidden during the rest of the drink. OVERALL SCORE: 4.36 out of 5. #BeerAdvocate #BeerArt #BeerCult #BeerFanatic #BeerGasm #BeerGeek #BeerHeaven #BeerLover #BeerNerd #BeerPorn #BeerSnob #Beergram #Beerstagram #CraftBeer #CraftBeerCulture #CraftBeerGeek #CraftBeerNerd #CraftBeerPorn #Instabeer #Instabrew #ClownShoes #ImperialStout #AmericanDoubleStout #Stout #UndeadPartyCrasher