“Tinder Rauchbier” (Rauchbier) by Uinta Brewing
@Uintabrewing “Tinder Rauchbier” (Rauchbier) 6.5%
Brewer: Uinta Brewing
Uinta Brewing “Tinder Rauchbier” Review
Good Monday evening! We’ll be looking at “Tinder Rauchbier” by the Uinta Brewery. This rauchbier from Utah beer has 6.5% alcohol. I managed to pick one of these up from Spec’s. Poured from a 750ml bottle (bottled on 22Jan14) into a stange.
LOOK: Pours with two and a half finger’s of off-white foam that dissipates to two finger’s worth within one minute. Honey orange in color with a slight cloudiness and plenty of bubbles. Lacing is relatively low.
SMELL: Has mild aromas of hickory smoked bacon, sweet malts, burning mesquite wood and a hint of peach (sounds weird as heck, but I swear it’s there).
TASTE: Intial taste is of mild hickory smoked bacon flavors and sweet malts. About a second passes until mild burning mesquite wood flavors enter the palate. Lastly, a dash of peach enters the palate as all flavors persist to create an extremely enjoyable sweet, saviory, and smokey flavor.
FEEL: Medium-bodied, moderately carbonated, clings to the back of the throat a tad bit, and has a nice, crisp finish.
NOTE: A great rauchbier, but the smokiness could be a little bit stronger.
OVERALL RATING: 4.13 out of 5