“Shiner Strawberry Blonde” (American Blonde Ale) by Spoetzl Brewery
@spoetzlbrewery “Shiner Strawberry Blonde” (American Blonde Ale) 4.3%
Brewer: Spoetzl Brewery
Spoetzl Brewery “Shiner Strawberry Bonde” Review
Good Tuesday afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! Today, we will be reviewing a Texan beer from the Spoetzl Brewery. “Shiner Strawberry Blonde” is an American Blonde Ale that contains 4.3% alcohol. Let’s see how this one did:
Poured from a 700ml bottle (bottled date 08Jan15) into a pint glass.
LOOK: Pours with a half finger’s worth of white foam that dissipates to a line within 30 seconds. Gold in color with a moderate amount of rising bubbles. Lacing is minimal.
SMELL: Has strong aromas of strawberry ice cream that entangle with a hint of pale malts.
TASTE: Initial taste is strong with strawberry ice cream flavors along with mild pale malt flavors. Mild wheat malt flavors enter about 3 seconds after the initial taste as strawberry ice cream flavors persist and pale malt flavors fade to subtle (thankfully because their mix with the strawberries was funky). Just as you think the taste is complete, mild corn adjuncts enter the palate about 2 seconds after the wheat malts (so 5 seconds after initial taste) as all flavors persist.
FEEL: This a very light-bodied beer. High amount of carbonation, yet manages to go down somewhat smoothly. Has a nice crisp finish that leaves you saying, “Ahhhh.”
NOTE: If they would tone down the pale malts a little bit more and completely get rid of the corn adjuncts, this beer would be phenomenal.
OVERALL RATING: 3.68 out of 5.