“Palo Santo Marron” (American Brown Ale) by Dogfish Head Brewery

@dogfishhead “Palo Santo Marron” (American Brown Ale) 4.5%

Brewer: Dogfish Head Brewery

Dogfish Head Brewery “Palo Santo Marron” Review

Dogfish head brewery Palo Santo Marron beer review by beer_reviewer

Alright, folks! The last day of Shark Week is among us which means this is the last Dogfish Beer I rate (at least for a while). I picked up one of their American Brown Ales as a single from Total Wine & More. “Palo Santo Marron” has 12% alcohol, and besides me feeling a slight buzz after drinking this, let’s see what I thought: Poured from a 12oz bottle (bottled 21Apr15) into a pint glass. Pours with a finger’s worth of cinnamon colored foam that dissipates into a quarter’s worth of khaki foam within 2 minutes (great dissipation rate and lovely color transformation). Beer is black in color with with a difficult-to-see maroon tint and no perceivable bubbles both due to how black the brew is. Lacing is moderate. Has mild aromas alcohol (ewwwwww!!!!!), molasses, figs, and vanilla and a hint of caramelized malt, sweet chocolate, and oak (I know it’s actually the Palo Santo wood, but it smells like oak) aromas. Initial taste is of strong molasses and fig flavors that entangle with mild alcohol and oak (Palo Santo wood) flavors. As all flavors persist, mild vanilla flavors along with hints of chocolate finish out the taste. Very full-bodied with a nigh syrupy feel that clings to the back of the throat. Has a subtle carbonation and goes down smooth. For those of you know me, I do not appreciate the perception of alcohol. Everything else being said, this was one heck of a brown ale.

NOTE: Unlike most brown ales which become more enjoyable as they warm up, this becomes unpleasant due to the alcohol presence becoming stronger.

OVERALL RATING: 4.18 out of 5.

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