“Indian Brown Ale” (American Brown Ale) by Dogfish Head Brewery
@Dogfishbrewery “Indian Brown Ale” (American Brown Ale) 7.2%
Brewer: Dogfish Head Brewery
Dogfish Head Brewery “Indian Brown Ale” Review
As Shark Week on Discovery continues, so do the reviews of Dogfish Head brews. I picked up this single from Total Wine & More. “Indian Brown Ale” is an American Brown Ale with 7.2% alcohol. Let’s take a look at how this beer did: Poured from a 12oz bottle (bottled on 03Mar15) into a pint glass. Pours with a half finger’s worth of khaki foam that dissipates into a line within 15 seconds. Dark brown in color with a ruby tint. Bubbles are scarce. Has mild aromas of roasted malts, sweet chocolate, and molasses with a hint of raisin and bitter hops. Intial taste is of strong molasses, and mild chocolate and bitter, earthy hop flavors. Mild roasted malt flavors along with a hint of raisin sweetness and ginger (that comes from nowhere) are next to enter the palate as all flavors persist into the aftertaste. Light-bodied, mildly carbonated, smooth, with a crisp finish. This is yet another unique tasting brew from DFH. Definitely not what I expected from an American Brown So, but I loved it.
NOTE: As beer warms, aromas and flavors change drastically, as in the case of most all brown ales. I would love to try this again, but at room temperature.
OVERALL RATING: 4.1 out of 5.
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