“Hibiscus Gose” (Gose) by Boulevard Brewing
@boulevard_beer “Hibiscus Gose” (Gose) 4.2%
Brewer: Boulevard Brewing
Boulevard Brewing “Hibiscus Gose” Review
Got this single from Total Wine & More. A gose, “Hibiscus Gose” from Boulevard Brewing in Missouri contains 4.2% alcohol. Offcial review coming right at ya: Poured from a 12oz bottle (best by date 09Jan16) into a weizen glass. Pours with a half finger’s worth of white foam that dissipates to a line within a minute. Bubbles are mild throughout. Pale pink (totally awesome) in color. Strong aromas of sour malts combine with mild aromas of salt and a hint of coriander. Initial taste is of strong sour malts that combine with mild salt flavors. Very mild coriander flavors combined with strong sour and sweet cherry/nectar like flavors (I’m assuming this is the hibiscus flowers) enter immediately after and quite frankly, overpower the initial taste. Light-bodied (almost watery), strong carbonation, with a crisp finish. I was really let down by this. I love gose beers, but the hibiscus just overpowered the salt and sour malt flavors that make goses great. Overall, not bad, but I probably won’t be buying again. I’m glad I bought only a single.
OVERALL RATING: 3.57 out of 5.
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