“90 Shilling Ale” (Scottish Ale) by O’Dell Brewing
@odellbrewing “90 Shilling Ale” (Scottish Ale) 5.3%
Brewer: O’Dell Brewing
Odell Brewing “90 Shilling Ale” Review
This Saturday evening, we’ll be taking a look at Odell’s “90 Shilling Ale.” This Colorado beer is a Scottish Ale with 5.3% alcohol. My first beer of this style, so let’s see how it did:
Poured from a 12oz bottle into a Mikasa ale glass. LOOK: Pours with a half finger’s worth of foam that faded into a line within 15 seconds. Bubbles are extremely scarce (I can literally count them as they rise). Dark amber/copper in color with a plethora of small particles floating throughout the beer.
SMELL: Has mild smokey and floral hop aromas along with a hint of caramelized malts.
TASTE: Initial taste is of strong floral hop flavors and very subtle caramel malt flavors. Mild smokey and very subtle chocolate flavors enter the palate about two seconds later as floral hop flavors persist, but caramelized malt flavors grow stronger from subtle to mild. A hint of sweet ginger and lemon peel sneaks in towards the end.
FEEL: Medium-bodied, medium carbonation (don’t know how since there were barely any bubbles), with a pretty dry finish.
For being such a physically unattractive beer, this tastes really well.
OVERALL RATING: 3.93 out of 5.