Introducing Buzzedworthy: A New Destination for Alcohol Reviews and Recommendations
[Richmond, VA] – [12/28/2022] – The Buzzedworthy team is excited to announce the launch of, a new website that aims to be the top stop for alcohol reviews and recommendations.
Buzzedworthy is a community-driven platform where reviewers aroud the world gather to share their thoughts and experiences with various types of alcohol – be it beer, be it liquor, or be it wine – we shall highlight what shines.
The site will feature a wide range of content beside reviews including recipes and interviews. User friendly search functions and organized categories and tags will be good. The reviewers featured are curated and selected for their expertise in their respective tasting fields.
In addition to alcohol content, Buzzedworthy also has a strong focus on the flip side of that coin: social responsibility when it comes to drinking. We encourage our readers to drink responsibly and will provide resources on how to do so, including guidelines on safe drinking limits and suggestions on designated driver programs for bars.
We are thrilled to bring to the online alcohol community and we can’t wait to see what the future holds. Thanks y’all for joining us on this journey!
For more information, please visit
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Treysen Tourtelot
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