Summer Ale (APA) by Samuel Adams
@samueladamsbeer “Summer Ale” Sam Adams 5.3%
Brewer: Samuel Adams
Samuel Adams Summer Ale Review
Got this single from the local HEB. Sam Adam’s “Summer Ale” is an American Pale Wheat Ale containing 5.3% alcohol. Let’s see how it faired: Poured from a 12oz bottle into a Mikasa ale glass. Pours with a finger’s worth of white foam that dissipates to a half finger’s worth within 10 seconds then after a minute, dissipates into a line. Pale golden/yellow in color and very murky. Bubbles are barely present. Very strong wheat malt aromas that combine with strong pepper aromas and mild lemon peel and pale malt aromas. Initial taste is strange (not in a bad way) as all the detected aromas are detected by the palate, but hit simultaneously with none overpowering the other. There is no symphony of flavors, just a one note explosion. A very boring experience for my palate, but the actual taste is pretty good. Light-bodied, very crisp and refreshing, quenches any thirst that I previously had. I can see why Sam Adams call this a summer ale as it is a perfect beer to enjoy on a hot, sunny day, especially in the great country of Texas.
OVERALL SCORE: 3.45 out of 5.
NOTE: As beer warms, malt flavors become more detectable. If you aren’t a malt lover, drink reasonably fast.
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