“Galactica” (American Double / Imperial IPA) by Clown Shoes Beer
@clownshoesbeer “Galactica” (American Double / Imperial IPA) 8%
Brewer: Clown Shoes Beer
Clown Shoes Beer “Galactica” Review
It’s been a while since I have reviewed an IPA or a brew from Clown Shoes, so I figured I should do both. I picked up this single of “Galactica” from Total Wine & More. It’s an American Double / Imperial IPA with 8% alcohol. Clown Shoes hasn’t disappointed me before, so let’s see if we can keep it that way:
Poured from a 12oz bottle (bottled 16Mar15) into a Spiegelau IPA glass.
LOOK: Pours with two finger’s worth of off-white foam that shrinks down to a finger’s worth within two minutes. Honey orange in color with a moderate amount of cloudiness. Lacing is nice and high. Of course bubbles are in excess. Something has to support that sexy head.
SMELL: Has mild aromas of bready and caramelized malts, citrusy and floral hops, mango, peach, and apricots that mix with a hint of earthy yeast.
TASTE: Initial taste is a strong combination of bready malts, mango, peach, apricot, and citrusy hop flavors. Mild caramelized malt and floral hop flavors enter immediately after as citrusy hop and fruit flavors persist, but bready malt flavors shrivel down to mild. A touch of smokiness and earthy yeast flavors enter lastly and seal off the final taste as all other flavors persist.
FEEL: This definitely a full-bodied IPA. Very creamy and smooth with little carbonation. But of course, it has that infamously and overly dry finish that is known from IPAs.
NOTE: This was a very malty IPA. Most IPA fans would probably not like the malty unbalance, but I’m not an IPA fan; I’m a beer fan. And I loved it.
OVERALL RATING: 4.17 out of 5.